About us

Riga Technical College (hereinafter - RTC) is a state-founded educational institution under the supervision of the Ministry of Education and Science. RTC offers 9 short-cycle vocational higher education programmes (professional qualification level 5) and 13 secondary vocational education programmes (professional qualification level 4).

The educational institution is located at two addresses, Braslas street 16, Rīga and Lēdmanes street 3, Rīga. We also offer short-cycle vocational higher education programmes (professional qualification level 5) in Daugavpils and Kandava. 

In the 2024/2025 school year, RTC will have ~ 1682 students from all regions of Latvia and ~140 teachers. The educational institution also provides assessment of professional competences acquired outside the formal education system and organises continuing vocational education and professional development courses in various educational programmes for all interested persons, including the unemployed.
