
About us / Library

The library is a structural unit of Riga Technical College, which operates in accordance with the internal normative acts. Its main aim is to ensure the study process with all the required information resources and services in accordance with the requirements of the study programs in all specialities.

At the beginning of 2020, there were 17 589 units in the library, including 17 584 books, 15 602 of them being study books. Audio visual aids and electronic documents constituted 5, DVD 16 items respectively.

The following services are available: There are 31 study places, 6 computers (one of them is meant for the personnel) and a multifunctional photocopier in the reading room (117,4 m2). Photocopying and printing out are chargeable services in accordance with the Cabinet of Ministers Rules of Procedure No 888, Riga, 17 September 2013, Rules of Riga Technical College regarding providing chargeable services pricelist. The computers are connected to the Internet through the local area network, which is a free of charge service for college pupils and students. The library reading room provides a free access to reference literature, latest publications in various branches and fiction for pupils, students and academic personnel. The library has a subscription to 19 hard copy periodicals. It also contains study and methodological materials in foreign languages, i.e. English, German and Russian. The library utilises alphabetical and systematic catalogues.

Opening Hours:
Monday8.00 - 18:30
Tuesday8.00 - 18:30
Wednesday8.00 - 16.00
Thursday8.00 - 16.00
Friday9.00 - 15.00