Automotive Transport

College / Study Programs / Automotive Transport

Automotive Service Specialist

Qualification to be obtained: Automotive Service Specialist

Educational document to be obtained: Diploma in Short-Cycle Higher Professional Education

Previous education: General Secondary or Professional Secondary Education

Language of education: Latvian
Duration: 2.5 years
Form of implementation: Full-time
Learning place: Rīga, Lēdmanes Street 3
Credit points: 150
Funding: State Budget Funding or Self-financing
Employment description

A vehicle service specialist works in vehicle maintenance and repair companies, diagnostic centers, vehicle inspection stations, and similar enterprises. Responsibilities include performing vehicle maintenance, diagnosing technical conditions, and carrying out repairs. The specialist resolves vehicle and component issues by replacing assemblies, units, and parts, conducting disassembly and assembly work, restoring parts, or repairing fittings and components through locksmith work.
The vehicle service specialist communicates effectively with clients, supervises company employees, and is knowledgeable in business economics and legislative basics. They are capable of managing an automotive service department or a similar enterprise unit.