Electrical Equipment

College / Study Programs / Electrical Equipment

Electrical Equipment Specialist

Qualification to be obtained: Electrical Equipment Specialist

Educational document to be obtained: Diploma in Short-Cycle Higher Professional Education

Previous education: General Secondary or Professional Secondary Education

Language of education: Latvian
Duration: 2.5 years
Form of implementation: Full-time
Learning place: Rīga, Braslas Street 16
Credit points: 150
Funding: State Budget Funding or Self-financing
Employment description

An electrical equipment Specialist works in energy companies, industrial enterprises with developed energy systems, agricultural production and processing companies, as well as state and public organizations. Responsibilities involve servicing and assembling electrical equipment with voltages up to 20 kV. The specialist supervises and monitors the work of other professionals, plans, and organizes activities. If necessary, they also design simple electrical installations.