

Riga Technical College participates in:

- European Social Fund co-financed projects (see ESF projects section)

- Leonardo da Vinci mobility projects

- ERASMUS projects

- Bilateral projects

- Interreg Central Baltic project

Bilateral projects:

"Multimedia Design", Odense Technical College, Denmark, (2002-2004)

"Traineeships and Exchange of Experience", Rovaniemi Technical College, Finland, (2001-2010)

"Mechatronics", Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania, (2001-2006)

"Swedish - Latvian Bilateral Project "Computer Room" with Sandviken Gymnasium" (from 2003)

Our supporters:



Severstal Distribution


Latvian Authorized Automobile Dealers Association

Latvenergo Project

Latvian Electric Power Society

Latvian Confederation of Employers

Riga Technical University

Odense Technical College, Denmark

Rovaniemi Vocational School, Finland

Turku Vocational School, Finland

Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania

and others

Our partners in projects:

Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Sweden, Netherlands, Lithuania, Spain, Estonia 

European Social Fund Co-financed projects

  • “Riga Technical College Webpage Design in Accordance with the Modern IT Solutions.”
  • Auto Transport Higher Professional Education Program Improvement and Methodological Materials Design.
  • “Improving the Vocational Education Program of Computer Systems Meeting the Labor Market Needs”.
  • CNC Engineering Vocational Education Program Improvement and Piloting.
  • “Technical College’s Information and Professional Career Days”.
  • Secondary Vocational Education Program Metalwork of CNC Engineering Trainees Qualification Practice in Companies.
  • “General Subjects Programs and Study Materials Improvement.
  • Office Specialists Practice and Methodological Materials Design.