Automotive Transport / Car Mechanic / Car Electrician

Vocational Secondary School / Educational Programs / Automotive Transport / Car Mechanic / Car Electrician

Automotive Transport

Qualification to be obtained: Car Mechanic

Educational document to be obtained: Diploma in Secondary Vocational Education

Previous education: Basic Education (9th grade)

Language of education: Latvian
Duration: 4 years
Form of implementation: Daytime
Learning place: Rīga, Lēdmanes Street 3
Employment description

A car mechanic works in vehicle maintenance and repair companies, diagnostic centers, technical inspection stations, and similar establishments. They perform vehicle maintenance, technical diagnostics, and repairs. Responsibilities include addressing vehicle and component malfunctions by replacing assemblies, units, and parts, performing disassembly and assembly tasks, restoring or aligning parts, and carrying out locksmithing work. Additionally, they communicate with clients and supervise workers of lower qualification levels.

Specific skills in the profession
  1. Diagnose vehicle defects.
  2. Perform vehicle maintenance and defect repairs.
  3. Utilize specialized tools and devices, such as:
    • Clutch disk alignment pins
    • Piston ring installation/removal tools
    • Stroboscopes
    • Joint removal tools, etc.
  4. Refer to specialized literature, including manufacturer manuals, Autodata, and "Haynes" resources.
  5. Operate various tools and equipment:
    • Vehicle lifts
    • Grinders
    • Stationary drilling machines
    • Hand presses
    • Tire mounting and balancing equipment
    • Mototesters
    • Emission analyzers
    • Brake test stands
    • Wheel alignment systems
    • Headlight adjustment devices
    • Other equipment based on the company’s specifics.
  6. Follow workplace safety guidelines for operating:
    • Vehicle lifts
    • Grinders
    • Stationary drilling machines
    • Tire mounting and balancing equipment
    • Mototesters
    • Emission analyzers
    • Brake test stands
    • Wheel alignment systems
    • Headlight adjustment devices
    • Other equipment specific to the organization.
  7. Evaluate work tasks and capabilities:
    • Analyze the job at hand
    • Assess personal qualifications
    • Identify available equipment and materials
    • Determine the scope of work