
Vocational Secondary School / Educational Programs / Metalwork


Qualification to be obtained: CNC operator

Educational document to be obtained: Diploma in Secondary Vocational Education

Previous education: Basic Education (9th grade)

Language of education: Latvian
Duration: 4 years
Form of implementation: Daytime
Learning place: Rīga, Lēdmanes Street 3
Special requirements in the specialty: Basic knowledge of computer science is recommended
Employment description

A CNC operator works in metalworking and mechanical engineering companies, trade organizations, and related enterprises. They manufacture parts of varying complexity on CNC machines, ensuring adherence to technical specifications. Responsibilities include independently planning and organizing tasks, developing machining algorithms, creating control programs, preparing machines for operation, inputting, testing, and editing control programs, and adjusting machine tools and instruments. They also oversee and coordinate the work of operators.

Specific skills in the profession
  • Operate universal machine tools
  • Select appropriate work modes and tools, sharpen and set tools
  • Process various surfaces, cut external and internal threads (single and multiple-start, left and right), drill, ream, and expand holes using appropriate cutting tools
  • Work with computers using Microsoft Word, Excel, AutoCAD, InCAD, and Mastercam software
  • Utilize the technical capabilities of CNC machines (integrating operations)
  • Develop and input control programmes (CP)
  • Operate CNC machines in manual and automatic modes
  • Set up CNC machines for part manufacturing
  • Correct and modify control programmes (CP)
  • Choose optimal machining methods and modes
  • Perform technical maintenance of CNC machines