Power Engineering and Electrical Equipment

Vocational Secondary School / Educational Programs / Power Engineering and Electrical Equipment

Power Engineering and Electrical Equipment

Qualification to be obtained: Electrical Technician

Educational document to be obtained: Diploma in Secondary Vocational Education

Previous education: Basic Education (9th grade)

Language of education: Latvian
Duration: 4 years
Form of implementation: Daytime
Learning place: Rīga, Braslas Street 16
Special requirements in the specialty: Strong knowledge of physics and mathematics
Employment description
An electrical technician works in industrial, municipal, public, electricity generation, transmission, and distribution companies. They perform tasks such as the construction of external and internal electrical networks, as well as the installation, operation, and repair of electrical equipment.

The knowledge and fundamental skills of an electrical technician are essential for preparing for specific roles in electricity generation, supply, and electrical equipment installation companies. These skills also provide a foundation for further professional specialization and qualifications.

Specific skills in the profession
  • Identify and repair electrical equipment malfunctions.
  • Perform electrical installation work in compliance with safety, electrical safety, fire safety, and environmental protection regulations, using specialized tools designed for the purpose.
  • Connect parts using soldering, gluing, riveting, and welding while adhering to safety regulations.
  • Execute basic locksmith tasks such as filing, sawing, marking, drilling, threading, and chiseling in accordance with safety regulations.
  • Use personal protective equipment for electrical installations.
  • Select and install protection for electrical equipment against abnormal operating conditions such as short circuits, overloads, and current leakage.