
Vocational Secondary School / Educational Programs / Telecommunications


Qualification to be obtained: Electronic Communications Technician

Educational document to be obtained: Diploma in Secondary Vocational Education

Previous education: Basic Education (9th grade)

Language of education: Latvian
Duration: 4 years
Form of implementation: Daytime
Learning place: Rīga, Braslas Street 16
Special requirements in the specialty: Strong knowledge of physics and mathematics
Employment description

An electronic communications technician works in various telecommunications organizations, companies, and firms. Their tasks include performing technical work in telecommunications networks, such as installing, monitoring, repairing, and maintaining telecommunications equipment to ensure its proper operation in compliance with existing standards and norms. They test and measure electronic communication transmission systems, terminals, and equipment using the latest telecommunications measurement technologies and software. The technician makes necessary changes to control equipment operation programs and applies practical skills to solve problems that arise during work processes. They can work independently or as part of a team.

Specific skills in the profession
  • Install, assemble, and configure telecommunications equipment
  • Provide technical maintenance for telecommunications networks and transmission systems
  • Perform construction and technical maintenance tasks for mobile communication networks
  • Maintain fiber optic cable networks and transmission systems
  • Use measuring tools to monitor the technical condition of equipment
  • Apply the latest information technologies and computer systems in telecommunications for optimal performance
  • Perform preventive maintenance tasks for equipment failures
  • Conduct repair work
  • Modernize equipment as needed